■ xplorer² evolution over the years
xplorer² is under continuous development since 2004. If you are up to date and run the latest version you are guaranteed the best in file management. If you are stuck with a paleolithic version on the other hand, you may be
missing out on many improvements introduced since your original purchase such as:
- Added features and improvements
- Bugfixes and optimizations for latest windows versions (10 and 11)
- Faster, more efficient operations
- Showing your support for xplorer²
Older versions like 1.81 still work even for windows 10, but you are not getting the best performance, and you likely suffer from small
annoyances that were fixed in later xplorer² versions.
■ Upgrade your old version and get major new features
Here is a summary of capital additions since version 2. For detailed information see the
Added in version 2.x (2011-2014)
- Flexible pane layout. You can arrange xplorer² toolbars and panes as you like them, docking them on whichever side of the window you like, or having them floating or autohidden to maximise the use of space [demo video]
- Better and faster search. Use the windows search index for fast contained text searches in documents using the ultimate edition.
- Easier program registration. xplorer² uses a simple text file to store its unlock key. You won't have license problems during any automatic windows updates.
- Smart filtering using the multi-purpose filter/select/search box as you type.
[demo video]
- Seamless integration with external devices (phones, cameras, tablets)
[demo video]
- Fully replace windows explorer (except system open/save dialogs)
Added in version 3.x (2015-2017)
- Optional ribbon toolbar. Love it or hate it, Ribbon UI simplifies file management. For those that prefer the traditional menu bar UI, it is also available giving access to all advanced file management commands
[demo video]
- Redesigned mass renaming. Rename many files at once using counters, search and replace filename parts; use ID3 tags and other file attributes in the filename; automatic removal of illegal characters
- Color tag files and folders. Easily mark files with your color scheme to make them stand out or tag them for future work. Locate tagged files and folders by color. This shouldn't be confused with the older color coding feature.
[demo video]
- Change file attributes in-place. The detailed view mode acts like an excel spreadsheet, allowing you to click and change all allowable file attributes like date modified, comment, author etc.
[demo video]
- Plugin architecture. On top of regular shell extensions xplorer² integrates with Total Commander plugins for previewing and searching more file types. Optional <UP-DIR> folder item like NC
- Compressed archives support. A new compressed folder NSE allows xplorer² to browse, preview and search documents inside most archive types (7z, RAR, GZ) just like the regular zipfolder support in windows
- Core filesystem improvements. Browse network drives faster with pinging for network availability. Long filename support for working in deep folders with more than 255 character long paths
- Usability improvements. Lots of small details make your everyday file management a little better such as better autocompletion, collapsible groups, improved preview (zoom/rotate), PERL compliant regular expressions, touch-friendly interface; UI easier to automate with accessibility tools (NVDA/JAWS)
Added in version 4.x (2018-2020)
- Macro commands. Automate complex user interface operations using a macro "language" or the automatic macro recorder
[demo video]
- Define your own file attributes. The programmable column lets you combine simple file properties in boolean expressions, defining your own custom file properties. These can then be used like any other column for searching and filtering.
[demo video]
- Photo cleanup. Duplicate, similar and poor quality pictures shot with mobile phones take up valuable disk space. xplorer² has AI-based tools to help you discover and delete them.
[demo video]
- Looks better in high-DPI monitors. If you own a high resolution screen PC or laptop (even with multiple monitors), the latest xplorer² versions will look much better if you choose a large toolbar skin
- xplorer² is aware of cloud folders (OneDrive, Dropbox etc) and will be careful with your cloud files on demand, avoiding unnecessary downloads.
- Access your favorite and frequently used folders through jumplists (taskbar)
- Optional dark mode user interface
- Dynamic thumbnail preview resizing using the mousewheel
- Change case of filenames in mass rename and regular expression support
- Faster program startups and shut-downs with optimized icon and registry operations
Added in version 5.x (2021-2023)
- Miller columns. Side-by-side folder browsing mode imported from Mac Finder, alternative to tabbed browsing, shows a family of nearby folders in columns. [demo video]
- Mouse peek. Instant pop-up large preview of the focused item using 2-buttons or the keyboard. Offers big previews without wasting screen space — and goes away with a click or key. [demo video]
- Quick access list. Instead of a cluttered folder tree, hand pick your favorite folders and place them at the top of the tree for easy access. [demo video]
- Manual icon positions. Arrange icon or thumbnail folders with your mouse, putting icons where you like them (desktop-like). Save icon locations for next time you enter the folder. [demo video]
- Phone backup. Use backup semantics (overwrite if newer else skip) to copy files from/to mobile phones and from compressed zipfolders and similar archives, bringing them on par with filesystem robust copy.
- Enhanced folder statistics. Detailed folder size information including pie charts for a better visual grip. Discover and delete empty folders and see which are the biggest files.
- Fast duplicate files detection. A new detection algorithm can scan your entire hard disk in a matter of seconds instead of hours. Discovering and deleting duplicate files has never been easier.
- Find files as you type. Find filenames quickly using the quick filter box, and work with search results fluently in a popup minisearch pane, without extra scrap windows. [demo video]
- Dual folder trees. Optional separate trees for each pane
- Better documentation. The quickstart guide was rewritten from scratch, with detailed explanations of all functions, tips and suggestions for increased productivity.
Added in version 6.x (2024-)
- GUI facelift. The user interface was freshened up with dialog mini-help bars, path crumbs for the addressbar, conspicuous caption status messages, drivebar used space indicators and other small cosmetic improvements.
- New options system. Program options were redesigned using a new property control, for better organization of relevant options. Options are searchable with multiple keywords. [demo video]
- Checkbox selection. A user-friendly update to the old sticky selection mode, checkboxes can be used to build big selections without worrying about click accidents. Thus you can deal with lots of items in one go. [demo video]
Get the most out of xplorer², download the latest version!