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■ xplorer² snapshots

xplorer² can be customized to look exactly the way you want it, so as to best suit your workflow. Here are a few sample snapshots. Click on a thumbnail to see the full picture.


1. Single pane (with tabs) set in list mode with selection details

Single pane with selection details

2. large MS office preview docked at bottom half

Preview office documents

3. Independent dual panes docked vertically, folder tabs, folder tree and on-board help

Dual pane with tabs, tree and help panel

4. Modern ribbon toolbar UI with simple commands; video preview under folder tree

(optional) ribbon toolbar UI

5. browse folders side by side in Miller columns (popular with Mac Finder)

Miller column browse mode

6. Orthodox Norton Commander dual pane folder browsing with custom file details

Traditional horizontal dual pane (NC mode)

7. preview and manage pictures inside your mobile phone

Browse and transfer phone pics

8. see thumbnails and text preview inside compressed 7z/zip folders

Browse and search in archives as folders

9. thumbnails arranged in groups by date

Thumbnails groupped by date

10. TSVN columns and icon overlays supported in all windows versions

Complete shell extension support

11. Show files with colors based on type; add color tags for custom highlighting

Color coding by file type

12. Move and place files around the mouse, like on your desktop

Arrange items manually, desktop-like

13. Discover duplicate and similar pictures to clear up hard disk space

Discover similar pictures, detailed thumbs

14. Visualise folder sizes and discover disk space usage

Detailed folder size statistics in tree view

15. Search and replace in filenames, change case, add counters, EXIF/MP3 properties and more

Mass rename using automatic counters

16. Large video previewer docked to the right side

Audio and video preview

17. Cool dark mode user interface

Dark interface mode

18. xplorer² is backward compatible for all windows, including win98 :)

Runs on all windows from win98 and up!

19. Unicode build works with localized filenames and all-world text content

Built for all languages and locales

20. Internal text editor and viewer, for simple HTML files

editor², internal text viewer

21. Optional separate folder trees per pane

optional dual trees

22. Checkbox selection and zebra background

checkbox selection


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