
Exponential growth to file management productivity

Examine and maintain your filesystem

Daily heavy-duty work on a PC will invariably result in a system that is suboptimal at best and unstable at worst. xplorer² has a number of advanced commands that help you restore order and reclaim wasted hard disk space.

Comparing & synchronizing folders single folder synchronization

Many times you have two or more folders that have the same contents and you want to keep them synchronized, i.e. make sure all "versions" stay updated whenever you make changes to one of them. The typical scenario is a daily backup of your current work documents, from your PC onto a safe removable drive, so if a mishap strikes your PC you can retrieve your work with minimum losses from the backup location.

Folder synchronization needs to track all changes between 2 folders, either on a single level or deeply including all the subfolders. Possible changes include:

When one folder is the backup of the other, then synchronization runs only in one direction (from the working folder to the backup location), but there could be cases where both folders are "live" and it takes more juggling to keep then synchronized, considering modifications at both sides.

That's when xplorer² and its dual pane layout comes in handy. It is ideal for comparing the contents of any two folders, and finding items that are missing from either one, or have been changed in any way. Once you identify the differences, you can decide how to deal with them — e.g. copy the new and modified files manually to equalize the folder contents.

xplorer² doesn't have a real synchronization function, it merely compares folders and marks the differences. The misnamed menu command Mark > Synchronize panes compares the contents of 2 folders, and tries to find file names missing left and right. When the same file exists both sides, it checks the modification date to find which version is "newer" and marks it as such. Here is an example comparison:

Figure 32. Results of a sample folder comparison

When you press <F9> key xplorer² compares the folder contents and marks (selects) unique files like STYLE.CSS that exists only in the left folder, and newer versions of files that exist both sides (compare the modification dates of NEWHELP.HTM, the newer version on the left is selected and the one on the right isn't). File X2TIPS.TXT has identical dates left and right so it isn't selected at all. To really synchronize the 2 folder contents, one must copy only selected files from one pane to the other (this must be done twice, once in each direction — observe the unique file NEW FILE.TXT on the backup folder to the right).

Once you have the differences selected, you may need to compare the file versions by content and see what the modifications are all about. You can use the preview capabilities in xplorer² or external tools that compare files side by side. For plain text files use WinDiff or similar tool that highlights the differences — that's how I spend most of my life doing <g>. It is very easy to invoke windiff to compare the focused item in the active pane with its namesake in the inactive with a user command like: WINDIFF "$N" "$I".

Notice how the plain <F9> "synchronize" command didn't mark any folder differences. Folder modification dates aren't very reliable to track changes in deeper levels. We will return on this important matter later.

For more control on what gets marked (selected) after the comparison, use Mark > Sync wizard command. The dialog indicates that comparison has two facets; first you determine how you want to compare items and then which items to mark. The large number of combinations allows you to do all sorts of checks to suit your synchronization needs.

Figure 33. Folder comparison dialog

The comparison logic first tries to match items left and right using the filename as a guide. If a file in one folder doesn't have a matching namesake in the other folder, it is immediately considered unique (cf. the checkboxes in figure 33). If a file exists in both folders, the two copies are compared for differences, using the mechanism you specify:

When comparisons are based on date modified (or any other date) two items are considered different if their dates are more than +/- 2 seconds apart. You can use the Ignore tickbox at the bottom of the synchronization dialog to specify a different interval to ignore. E.g. if a change in daylight savings DST resulted in artificial 1-hour differences, you can set it to ignore this 1 hour — files differing by up to 1 hour will be considered identical as long as their size matches. You can use other time units (up to years) with the drop-down list control.

Given the wealth of xplorer² browsing options and comparison parameters, there are many ways comparisons can become "abnormal". Here are a few things to keep in mind:

The relationship between files is fixed by their properties and the comparison scheme you select. The second phase is to decide which files you want to mark, ear-tag them for further processing. There are checkboxes for all item states and you can check as many of them as you wish - although not all combinations make sense, e.g. selecting both "older" and "newer" files. The drop-down menu on the top-right lists some common scenarios for your convenience (modes for marking different or identical items).
The plain synchronize command <F9> is equivalent to ticking Unique, Newer and Modification dates options

Ticking Undetermined option will mark all those items that were not successfully compared (those with the question marks mentioned above). Tick Consider folders option to include folder items in whatever comparison method the files go through — but only in terms of name and date properties, their subfolders aren't considered. For this and loose name matching option see the deep sync section.

When all dialog settings are set to your liking, click ok button to start the comparison. Usually this is done very quickly unless you are checking custom slow properties or file contents. A progress bar on the status bar will keep you informed of the comparison progress. If it takes too long you can hold down <ESC> key to abort the operation.

When you tick File content option, files are compared byte by byte regardless of surface date attributes. Imagine comparing 2 identical video files of a few GB each, the comparison would have to reach all the way to the end, and take ages! That's why xplorer² cheats a little and compares huge files statistically rather than exhaustively. The advanced option "Statistical comparison size" defines what a "huge" file is (default anything over 20MB). It checks all the bytes below the huge limit (from the beginning of the file), plus 10% at random above it. If the files are identical, then you get the same verdict at a fraction of the time. Arguably there is a small uncertainty involved, as 2 files may be different in places near the end where xplorer² didn't examine, and they are deemed "identical" by mistake. However the advantages far outweigh the small risk. If you want to be more certain, increase the cutoff limit to its maximum value of 250MB.

When xplorer² finishes comparing you get the verdict either that "The contents of the two folders seem identical" or if any differences are spotted items are selected for further action. For example if you were scanning for differences, you can proceed by copying the marked files to the "passive" folder, ensuring that the files in both folders are the same, both in number and most recent content. Note that there may be unique and newer items in both folders — obviously not the same items — that need to be carried across.

Further reading
◪ copy only newer photos from phone or digital camera demo video phone sync

Deep synchronization compare folder hierarchies

Sometimes you may need to synchronize folders including their subfolders, as in the situation to the right. If the hierarchy is shallow (few folders) you can turn on mirror browsing (Go to menu) and let xplorer² keep the inactive pane in the matching folder, as you browse folders in the active pane. As an example, starting from folders A:\ and c:\documents\kenny in the active and inactive panes respectively, if you browse into A:\help the inactive pane will automatically follow to read c:\documents\kenny\help. This mirroring will continue in both down and up direction, as long as folders with matching names exist. small hierarchy

When many subfolders are involved, mirror browsing and comparing folders one by one is cumbersome. An easier way to compare two folder hierarchies is to browse the required root folders in a normal dual-pane window and pick Tools > Compare subfolders. This command will open a dual scrap window, flatten each hierarchy in a separate pane and will also launch the synchronization command. If grouping is supported, items will be grouped by folder helping you to inspect the comparison results. This way you will reveal all the changes that need to be made acting on all subfolders simultaneously.

Figure 34. Comparing folder hierarchies
The normal mode of deep comparison involves only files and no folders — the latter are involved indirectly through the files they contain. Sometimes you want to get an overview of the folders involved, find out if many are missing from one side or the other. That's why when you invoke Compare subfolders command it asks you: Do you want to compare only folders, ignoring files?

Arguably, inspecting the results of a deep folder comparison isn't the easiest thing to do. xplorer² turns on Mirror scrolling mode to help you examine files left and right, but there may be just too many results to juggle. To protect the marked files, you should turn on Sticky selection from Mark menu. Another handy feature is pressing <ALT+DOWN> keys to jump to the next selected item, in case they are far apart. Or to focus just on the marked items use View > Visual filter > Selected only menu and concentrate on the differences.

Once files are marked, use the special Edit > Sync-o-paste command available in scrap containers to copy all the files in their matching folders. So items selected in A:\ will end up in c:\documents\kenny, those in A:\help will end up in c:\documents\kenny\help and so on. Note that Sync-o-paste acts on the selected items and doesn't require a prior Edit > Copy command.

Scrap containers may host items from arbitrary locations. The deep synchronization logic tries to match folders first, and then applies the usual content comparison procedure for each folder pair. Sometimes it won't be possible to match all folders left & right, when the hierarchies are completely different. In such cases there will be a lot of items left in an undetermined state, and a little red question mark will appear overlaid on their icon.
If you want to compare items that don't belong to similar folder structures, you can try ticking Loose name matching comparison option in the dialog (figure 33); this will compare items matching just names — ignoring folders — but you won't be able to use the sync-o-paste command on the results. Multiple same-name items are matched in the order they are listed in each pane.

Another drawback is that when a folder sub-structure is entirely missing from one hierarchy, all contained items are left in an undetermined state, since their matching folder isn't available.

Backup synchronization backup files

If you find this form of deep synchronization with scrap containers a bit of a headache, you can try an alternative that is based on robust copy <F5> command. Selecting Overwrite if newer else skip transfer option will result in copying only files that are new or changed, just as if you did a synchronization based on modification dates — and it doesn't need scrap containers or any prior synchronization commands! This will work best if you have all the changes in one folder hierarchy and you want to mirror them to some other "backup" location like a removable drive.

Always use a removable drive for safe backups. There is no point saving in the same hard drive as you keep your work, if something goes wrong with your PC you will lose your work and the "backup". For resilience, keep the backup storage separate, ideally in a different room of your house — or at your mum's house even better. Squirrels spread their bets to be safe <g>
As for cloud backups, I have trust issues handing out my most prized digital possessions to some private cloud entity. DIY if you can!

Here is a summary of a backup operation:

  1. In a dual-pane (normal, not scrap) xplorer² window, browse your work folder (e.g. MyDocuments) in the left pane, and the backup location on the right (or bottom if you have your panes set up/down).
  2. Click on the left pane to activate the work folder, where you want to copy files from; the inactive pane will be the destination for the backup.
  3. Select all items with <CTRL+A>
  4. Use the robust Edit > Copy to dialog; select backup option (it is available in the options drop-down list, see figure 22). If you can't find it there, use the Options button to tick "Overwrite if newer else skip" box.
  5. Click ok to start the backup copy.
The above steps 3-5 can be simplified if you use Tools > Backup copy menu command. You only need to browse the correct folders in that case (steps 1-2) and let the backup command handle the rest automatically. This command uses a simple dialog that allows you to set an optional copy filter, as below:

backup dialog
Figure 34a. Backup options dialog

Usually you leave the filter box empty, to copy everything that's changed — or type a few comma-separated wildcards to copy only matching files. More complex filters are available from the drop-down list, as previously defined in the robust copy dialog. Copy options are fixed to "Overwrite if newer else skip" and "Ignore DST". Click on backup button to start the copy operation. Only new and modified files will be copied with no questions asked.

Except for the very first time you create a backup (where everything must be copied for the initial snapshot), in subsequent backup operations only newly created and modified files will be copied, which is exactly what you need, and you save lots of time by skipping all the files that remained the same. As robust copy is recursive, you get all the folder hierarchy synchronized — in one direction. So you have achieved efficient, deep level synchronization without bothering with comparing and inspecting!

You can manage your documents so that they all fall under a single root folder like MyDocuments — organized in various subfolders of course. This kind of hierarchy makes backups very easy as you only do a single backup for all your documents. If on the other hand your work folders happen to be scattered in different places, say some in C: drive and some in E:, you can use folder junctions to create a single root "master" folder somewhere, and drop in there junctions to all the various work subfolders. Thus you have reorganized your important storage without actually moving anything, and backups can be done in a single step. For this trick to work you must enable the advanced option "Treat folder junctions as normal folders..." and all xplorer² recursive commands will follow junctions automatically.

How often do you backup?
According to Sod's law, the chances of losing your digital work through mishaps grow proportionately with its importance. Therefore creating a safe backup copy once a day isn't too far fetched. xplorer² makes it quick and easy so you can even consider more frequent backups.
Further reading
◪ Use folder junctions to "move" your data folders under a single folder, for easy backup demo video

Checking file transformations

The folder synchronization command just described checks for modifications of different versions of the same file. A variation on this theme is checking the state of file transformations, when the compared filenames are slightly different.

If you are involved in programming, then you will recognise this situation as compilation of source code to object files. So starting from a C++ file xplorer2.cpp the compiler churns out the machine translation in a new file called xplorer2.obj - notice the change of extension from .cpp to .obj. Mark > Check build command checks the states of source files comparing them to their "transformed" versions.

Figure 35. "Make" check dialog

The dialog shown in the above figure accepts as input the transformation rule, which observes the source and target filename extensions. It can be seen that multiple comma-separated extensions can be used to check for all compilation projects in one stroke. Also note that a generic wildcard is accepted for the From field whereas the To field must be just the target extension(s), without the "." (e.g. type obj instead of .obj).

You don't need to supply more than 1 extension if you target only a particular transformation e.g. from *.PNG to GIF. The Predefined drop down list has a few sample transformations that are programming oriented. You can add your own extensions to the predefined list through registry editing.

The idea with this command is to browse the "source" items in the active pane, and the "transformed" equivalents in the inactive (both could be in the same folder), then tick the boxes to locate items that either need transformation or they are Up to date. Click ok button and Check build command will then examine names and their filetimes and select source items in the active pane according to the checkboxes you ticked.

Once source and target files are matched their modification dates are examined to figure out which is newer. If the source is newer, it must have been modified since last build (cf. figure 35 checkboxes) and it requires re-compilation. If the target is newer then it is up to date, whereas if it doesn't exist at all the source is not built. You can check as many boxes as you want to tell xplorer² which source files to select. Let's take an example.

Figure 36. Sample project check

Using the options in figure 35 on a pair of hypothetical source and target folders, xplorer² marks all source files that require compilation. The file folderItem.cpp was modified after it was last built (check the date of its target folderItem.obj) so it is marked. browserView.cpp hasn't been compiled at all (no browserView.obj exists in the inactive pane), so it is "not built" and hence marked. instance.cpp on the other hand is up to date, and finally IEHost.h is completely irrelevant for this transformation rule so it is left unselected. Note that nothing is selected in the inactive pane to the right; this command is checking one way only.

Like the folder synchronization command, Mark > Check build merely ear-marks files that require building without actually taking any further action. It is up to the user to decide what to do with the selection afterwards, e.g. generate a script file that executes the compiler for each source file.

This oddball command doesn't make claims of being a substitute for make type tools. For instance it cannot check for cross-dependencies from modified header files etc. Still it can be useful for simpler scenarios like MatLab projects compilation, or batch converting image files from one format to another.

Visualize disk space usage clean up your hard disk

According to the second law of computers, no matter how big your hard disk, eventually it will fill up with movies, videos, pictures and what have you. Do you need all that stuff? Is space wasted in temporary and duplicate files? xplorer² has some tools to let you focus your disk cleanup effort at the biggest offenders, files and folders that take up the most space.

Tools > Folder statistics menu command creates a detailed analysis of the active folder and its subfolders. If you want to examine your entire hard disk, first browse the root C:\ folder then invoke the statistics command — naturally the bigger the hierarchy, the longer it will take to analyze. It will calculate details for each subfolder like number of files and size used, and will do so recursively for all the contained folders, and present the results as a tree:

Figure 37. Folder data window

The largest folders appear first. To aid visualization of space usage, a little pie chart is shown too, popping out a pizza slice for each folder you select in the tree. Drag the splitter bar with the mouse to make the pie bigger or smaller. You can also use the tooltips over the pie pieces to discover the folder names.

The second main tree branch shows the 10 biggest files in the hierarchy examined, arranged by size. Examine the big files branch to see whether you don't need some of them and you can delete them to save space. Select a file and press <ENTER> key to browse its containing folder.
The tree is for information only. You can examine and open branches, but you cannot do much file management. If you want e.g. to delete a large unwanted folder, use Actions > Browse menu (or double-click on the folder) to open it in a regular xplorer² window. The tree won't autorefresh either, so if you delete a folder branch, use Refresh command to update the tree information.

The single menu bar item called Actions holds a few commands, the most useful of which perhaps is Copy, which copies the entire selected tree branch as text, that can be subsequently pasted in a text editor for printing or whatnot. Use Find and Find next to search for folder names (this will open tree branches automatically). You can also switch the sort mode from size to sort by Name — although the former arrangement is more useful in this context.

Another useful menu command is Empty folders which detects folders that are empty (they have no file contents), and puts them in a scrap container for further action (e.g. select all of them and delete them). Empty folders won't take up much space but some people want to get rid of them regardless. This command is smart enough to discover the topmost empty folder in a local hierarchy, and ignore its empty subfolders (if any) — that will be deleted with their parent folder anyway.

Once you discover the biggest size offenders, clean up your space deleting junk files, e.g. duplicates, similar pictures etc.

actions menu

If you analyze your entire C: drive you will discover that C:\WINDOWS is probably the biggest folder. However you shouldn't delete stuff inside it — you may save space but at the expense of your system stability! Windows folder size isn't as bad as it looks anyway because many "duplicate" DLLs are hard linked so the space usage is less than that reported by folder statistics.
To cleanup space from C:\Program Files uninstall apps and tools you don't use.

Continuous folder size

Subfolder objects themselves do not take much space, that's why in detailed view xplorer² prints just <folder> in the size column. Obviously the files inside a folder take up space, so it is possible to see this information for each folder — in regular xplorer² windows that is.

While browsing a folder with subfolders, Tools > Subfolder size command will show you the size of each individual subfolder, so you can tell which one takes most space. The size shown is recursive, including space occupied by all deeper level subfolders. This command also works in special folders like phones and zipfolders.
Recursively adding up subfolder sizes takes a lot of time and effort. As an optimization, Subfolder size command will only calculate sizes for selected folders. If there is no folder selected then all sizes will be calculated.
folder info

Enable the stock Contents column to see the number of items (subfolders and files) contained in a folder. This information is not recursive, it won't tell you about files deep inside sub-subfolders, only direct folder contents.

The contents column is sort of programmable. Instead of calculating all contained files and folders it can count through a wildcard (or a comma-separated list of wildcards). Thus you can only count say, *.MP3 files contained. This tweak is an advanced option called "File count rule". It can also be the name of a saved hyperfilter — but only fast properties are allowed

If you want to see subfolder sizes all the time, without pressing <CTRL+D> for manual subfolder sizes, activate the option "Subfolder size". This is a major resource hog, so if you are browsing a top level root folder like C:\ it won't work automatically. Sometimes calculating these sizes takes so long that you may browse a different folder before the recursive addition is complete — definitely not recommended!

xplorer² doesn't cache folder sizes, so each time you visit a folder the sizes are calculated again and again. This is totally wasteful, so if you like to see folder sizes and have pity on your system resources, please download a plugin called folder size, that works well with xplorer².

Further reading
◪ Remedies for reclaiming critically low hard disk space
◪ Delete intermediate Visual Studio project files to free space
◪ Faster subfolder sizes using plugins

Detecting duplicate files discover duplicate music

Everyone is a digital hoarder nowadays. We take hundreds of photos with our phones, download music and movies, accumulate work documents, and we want to keep it all stored forever. Over the years many file collections are infested with duplicate or items that just waste disk space. xplorer² will help you discover and reclaim this wasted storage space.

Duplicates come in many guises. In the simplest case a file will exist in many carbon copies using the same name. A little bit trickier is when a file exists with many different names but the same data content (renamed). Check duplicates command will help you detect all these kinds of extra files.

Duplicate files could reside anywhere, in your PC's hard drive or in external storage. The first step is therefore to load all the folders you want checked in a scrap container. If you want to check on external hard disks you must have them all connected. Here are some possibilities:

Have you tried i-DeClone?
i-DeClone (another tool by ZabKat) can find exact and near-duplicate files (e.g. the same movie saved in different formats). i-DeClone helps you find more duplicates and is better streamlined for the cleanup task. Help yourself to the free trial
You should focus on your personal documents and ignore duplicates in system folders like %WINDIR% or AppData. There is usually waste in these folders but deleting hidden and system files is unsafe and may destabilize your PC. Checking your entire ThisPC folder for duplicates is possible but will take a long time.

Figure 38. Duplicates' detection parameters dialog

Next you specify the comparison criteria with the above dialog box. The options set in the dialog determine how the investigation is to proceed. You can have any combination of boxes checked (use clear button to reset all checkboxes before a fresh search) but the fastest would be to assume that duplicates would be 100% exact copies, that is they will have the same name, modification date and size.

If you are comparing modification dates, there could be phantom differences introduced e.g. by FAT32 partitions, that are only 2-second accurate for stored files. For such cases use Ignore XXX seconds box in the dialog. You get to choose how many seconds (or hours!) to ignore when comparing modification dates. Any 2 files that fall within the date tolerance limit are considered to have the same date.

Custom file properties can also be used as criteria for "sameness". Select the property you want using the drop-down box and you can extend the duplicates tester in creative ways (e.g. find all music files by the same artist or owner).

The ultimate proof that 2 files are identical is their content. Files may have the same name and size but differ in their contents. This is even more so if you go for custom file properties like Author or Title. Therefore the results of the comparison should be taken with a pinch of salt. Don't delete MP3s as "duplicates" only because they belong to the same Artist!

If you suspect you have identical files with different names or/and timestamps, then you can clear all boxes except for content (same size is then also implied whether you tick the box or not). This is the most robust detection mechanism but at the same time very time consuming, since each file is compared to each and every other same-sized file in the container, regardless of their name.

To speed-up content comparisons xplorer² uses the same statistical content trick as in synchronize command, where only a portion of huge files is examined instead of each and every byte. Also small files are excluded because there may be too many of them and you wouldn't save much space by their elimination. The advanced option called "Ignore small duplicate files" defines the limit of what is considered "small file" (default 1KB and under)

If you intend to delete duplicate files, please make sure you check Select all duplicates box in the dialog before you go ahead with the command. xplorer² will assume that the first item in each group is the "original" and select the remaining items for deletion.

When you are all set, click ok button to start the duplicate discovery process. Depending on how many items are in the scrap window and your scan options, the comparison may take long time. A progress bar will give you an idea of how much work is left to be done.

Ultimate xplorer² edition has among other things a much quicker duplicates detection algorithm, that allows you to search your entire hard disk for duplicates and get results in reasonable time.
There's also a new zabkat tool purpose built for finding duplicate and similar files, called i-DeClone, which is even more capable!

Figure 39. Sample duplicate file groups

After the command finishes its work, all files that match the user criteria are bunched together in groups with different background color as in the above figure. All unique items are hidden. Note that some groups are made of 3 or more duplicate items.

Notice the Group ID column, which counts the duplicate group numbers. This is a pseudo-property as it doesn't corresponds to the files, only their relationship — but it is very useful regardless. If you change the sort order examining e.g. file dates or whatever, click on Group ID column header to restore the duplicate groups.

Such listings provide preliminary evidence of duplicate files. Depending on your dialog parameters you may need further proof before actually deleting the redundant copies. A good guide is the checksum column that you can activate using View > Select columns menu. It shows a numeric "summary" of a file's contents. When checksums are different files are 100% different; equal checksums on the other hand do not guarantee identity — although they imply a strong possibility that the files are identical.

To build up your confidence use the previewer pane to examine file contents. If you are working with images switch on Detailed thumbs pane style to see little thumbnails for each item. If you are working with plain text files you can use your trusty Diff tool to check pairs of files: select the 2 files then Tools > Run command menu to launch WINDIFF $A to compare them line by line ($A token represents the 2 selected items).

If you use hard links they will come up as "duplicates" but most likely you don't want to delete the "copies". Use the Links stock column to see whether duplicates in the same group are hard links of each other (Links would be equal to the number of items in the group)

If you want to keep a file group entirely, select its items and press <DEL> key — in scrap windows this merely does a File > Remove command, the files aren't deleted. Otherwise to really delete duplicate files you must first select them. This is easier said than done when you are dealing with thousands of duplicates.

One easy method is ticking Select all duplicates in figure 38 before you even start checking. This command can't tell which is the "original" out of the identical files, but it uses the initial sort order of the items, leaving the first one in each group unselected and marking all the others. If you want to keep the older copy then make sure you sort by Modification date — ascending from older to newer — before starting the duplicates checker. Thus in each group all items but one will end up selected and ready for deletion.

If this automatic selection doesn't suit you, then you need to examine each group individually and select duplicates manually. As you finish with a group, delete the selected items immediately using File > Delete menu — or pressing <Ctrl+Delete> keys. This slow step-wise deletion will spare you any selection mishaps.

The duplicate results are best handled with checkboxes (like i-DeClone does it) instead of relying on fragile selection states. Use the following safety measures to protect large selections as you scroll and examine duplicate groups:
  • Turn on sticky selection mode <ALT+S>
  • Periodically save the selection via Mark > Selection > Store menu; then you can reapply the selection with the same submenu.

Technically speaking, when duplicate files are shown, the pane is both filtered since unique files are hidden from view (notice the green filter icon on the statusbar of figure 39), and unsorted since files are displayed in groups regardless of the original sort order. You can cancel this mode using Tools > Reveal unique or View > Show all menu command.

The following commands till the end of this section apply to scrap containers only, they don't exist in the main window menu bar.
You must open and populate a scrap window with the files you want to examine.

Discover similar and bad quality photos picture cleanup demo

Another source of clutter in your hard disk is your photo collection. It is very easy to snap lots of photos with your mobile phone or camera, but not all of them are worth keeping:

xplorer² has commands that let you quickly discover bad and similar pictures, offering you the option to delete them and clean up your disk space. First you can choose the Blur file detail (use <ALT+K> keys to choose columns in detailed view mode). For JPG pictures it shows a number, which is big for pictures that are suspect; values greater than 100 indicate bad quality, whereas smaller values indicate smaller defects. Sort your picture collection by this column to bunch the bad pictures together, then inspect and delete what is not worth keeping.

To get rid of similar pictures, flatten a picture folder or use any other means to fill up a scrap container window with JPG photos to examine. Use Tools > Find similar photos menu command (or if using the Ribbon UI see under Duplicates button on the Home tab) to group them by similarity. Whereas checking for duplicates will only find files (pictures) that are exactly identical, this command finds pictures that are slightly changed.

AI quality detection
Both blur and similar photo detection use artificial intelligence SVM algorithms. As such they are good but not perfect. A photo showing only blue sky might appear "blurred" to AI but you should know better. Always preview photos before deleting them

Figure 40. Find similar pictures dialog

The dialog controls how similar pictures are found. To achieve reasonable detection speeds, it examines pictures either by filename or by modification dates, so that it only considers pictures that are likely to resemble each other (shot one after the other). Alternatively you can choose As they appear in pane radio button if you want to be in charge of the order photos are examined (e.g. in whatever sort order is in effect). At present only JPG photos are compared, any other file types you add in the scrap container are ignored.

You can tweak the similarity threshold up or down, to match pictures that are more closely (or loosely) related. A value around 80% is a good compromise discovering similarities without too many false duplicates — mistakes cannot be ruled out however. Even ChatGPT isn't flawless, never mind lowly SVM detectors. If you find many mistakes, increase the threshold to 90% or above.

Click ok to start the comparisons. Any similar photos found will be placed in groups, as per the duplicate checker function (i.e. in bands organized by Group ID column) and thumbnail view mode will be automatically enabled to let you compare the similarities discovered. Then just select and delete those you don't need, leaving 1-2 best pictures per group. Select two photos and press <ALT+SHIFT+Q> to preview them side by side in a large popup window (similar to peek preview but for a pair of photos).

Tick Select all duplicates in advance to mark photos for deletion automatically. However this will usually keep the first photo (in terms of date taken) as "best" which may not be the case. Always examine the groups yourself. Optionally turn on the Blur column to see which photos are technically of poorer quality.

The workflow is similar to duplicate results, you must somehow select what gets deleted and be careful to preserve the existing selection. Some groups may be totally rubbish so you can select for deletion all photos in such groups. In the end use File > Delete menu command to remove the unwanted photos.

Fuzzy groups

Fuzzy grouping is an interesting (albeit oddball) feature that could be put in various uses. It uses fuzzy matching to group together items that are similar but not identical. For example, we can put all our music album folders in a scrap container (use right drag then Get subfolders from the drop menu), then use Tools > Fuzzy groups menu command to group the folders by name similarity. Just watch the groups in the following picture, which shows the dialog and the resulting groups simultaneously:

Figure 41. Group similar filenames with fuzzy grouping

As you can see, using a 40% fuzzy factor, the first group contains all folders that contain "Gismonti" in the title, the third group has works by Dave Holland and so on. If you make the factor bigger (say 60), the fuzziness decreases, so items have to be more alike to be grouped together. For best results try a few different values until you hit on the desired groupings. You can use any text column for fuzzy grouping, it doesn't have to be by Name only. Just pick what you need from Group on column drop-down list. If you pick a number or date property it will be considered as text too — as it appears in the window.

Fuzzy grouping is a special case of custom grouping, only here the command defines the categories automatically using the property and fuzzy factor you supply.

Even weirder fuzzy groups

If you specify a negative number as fuzzy factor, then files will be clustered together in terms of mutual distance. The negative number you specify will be the number of clusters (groups) — e.g. 5 will create 5 groups. Clustering is an AI algorithm that bunches together items that are "close" together, e.g. if their dates are similar. At present you cannot cluster on text columns like Name or Comment, only numeric and date properties can be used for Group on column. Any items that don't support the selected property will remain ungrouped in Unspecified category.

If you use a regular expression (instead of a number) as the fuzzy factor, you can identify common substrings in filenames or other properties, and group on them. Let's use an example, consider these files:

alpha (2002).mp4
beta (2002) action.mp4
New File 2123
old (2001).mov
alien (2001).mp3

Four of these have a year, or 4 digit number, in brackets. If we use the regular expression \(\d{4}\) that matches this pattern for a fuzzy factor, we will generate these automatic groups:

Figure 41a. Group filenames with common parts using regular expression

See how the file that doesn't have a year in brackets ends up in the unspecified (non-matching) group.

Here's another use of this command. If you browse shell:recent folder of recently accessed documents, you cannot arrange by file type because all files in there are shortcuts; the .LNK extension is masking out the real file type. You can work around this problem putting all items in a scrap window and do a fuzzy group on NAME [S] property (not full name) and this regular expression (that matches the extension past the dot):


You will see that files are grouped by their original extension!

Convert groups to folders

Regular (sort column) or custom groups (even fuzzy grouping) in scrap container collections can be converted into actual folders using Tools > Extract groups menu command.

Figure 42. Convert groups to folders dialog

The dialog has 2 modes, or two ways to generate folders, one for real groups (tick Create a subfolder out of each group), and one for implied groups by date — the latter has 2 sub-modes, see below.

Say you used View > Arrange by > Show in groups menu to show items alphabetically grouped using their first letter, you can then use extract groups command to create folders that contain the items of each group. You choose a top destination folder and xplorer² creates subfolders under it, one per group (the folder names match the group titles you see). You can either copy or move the original files into these subfolders, depending on the checked state of Leave a copy... box.

Tick create hard links box to create a space-efficient shortcut instead of full file copies. Make sure that the destination folder you specify is on the same NTFS partition as the source files, otherwise hard links won't work.

Click Copy (or Move) button to start organizing files into group folders. Simple explorer copy routines are used for the transfer. To see the newly created folders you must browse the destination folder you specified (e.g. C:\TEST in the above example).

For example if we had a scrap window showing groups by date (see the picture to the right) and used this dialog to split the groups, it would create one folder for each of the date categories — folder name matching group name — and place all the files of said group in their respective folder.

Unlike other xplorer² commands, all the visible items are sent to group subfolders, not only those selected. A few other irregularities to note with this command:

  • Only regular (filesystem) files are handled, and not any folders
  • Files in deep paths (>=256 characters long) are ignored
  • The unspecified group (if it exists) isn't exported
conversion sample

This command can also organize items by date, whether you have groups or not. This is useful e.g. if you have a truckload of photos in a scrap and you want to automatically move them in subfolders according to their modification date. Use the two date radio buttons to choose how to have them organized, either one folder per year, or you can have items organized by year and month (i.e. each year subfolder has 12 subfolders corresponding to months). Folders are only created for items that need them; there may be gaps in the sequence if files for a yearly period (or month) are missing.

Usually last modified date is used for automatic folder creation, but you can pick any other date you want (e.g. picture date) by placing it before the date modified in the details. To reorganize column order either use ALT+K command or drag-drop using the column header.

You can apply additional order to your photos using the export groups command in stages. For example, if you want to organize your photos by camera model as well as by date, so that you have one folder per camera model, and inside that you organize by year/month, you can do it as such:

  1. Put all your photos in a scrap container e.g using search or browse flat menu command
  2. Add the file detail you want to organize by, e.g. camera model
  3. Sort by this column (click on its header) and turn on groups (View > Arrange by > Show in groups menu)
  4. Convert the current grouping into folders. Now you have one subfolder per camera model.
  5. Enter each of these subfolders and reuse Export groups command, now using date information to create the sub-sub-folders. For this last step make sure you move items (untick "leave a copy..." box), so that your photos are only stored once.
Step 5 is a bit fidgety, because it must be repeated for each camera model folder created in step 4. For destination folder use the same path as the camera model folder created in step 4.

This procedure could be automated using macros


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