
Exponential growth to file management productivity


Whether you work with documents in your office or school, or collect photos as an amateur, you will have lots of files. Windows explorer is a basic file manager that will soon annoy you with its inconsistencies and limitations. If you deal with many files and folders you need a heavy duty file manager like xplorer², which will help you be productive, with almost every kind of file you possess:

If you have worked with windows explorer, then you will feel immediately at home with xplorer² as it supports the same tree/view folder browsing, view modes like details and thumbnails, mouse drag drop and context menu operations. The more advanced xplorer² features will require some learning curve, but the interface is simple and consistent, and there's plenty of help and support, both inside the program and online.

xplorer² integrates fully with Windows Shell model, so it can browse in all locations, even within "virtual" folders like compressed archives and SFTP. It can utilize more than 300 system file properties and integrates with any shell extensions you install to see more properties, icon overlays, document previews and so on.

With its small size (around 3 MB) and low system resource use, advanced multi-threaded multi-window design for speed and efficiency, customization, a clean minimalist interface and keyboard shortcuts for most frequently used commands, we trust you won't be disappointed for choosing xplorer² for your file management needs. In fact chances are you'll never look back to explorer or any other file manager!

How to use this guide

xplorer² does many things for you so unavoidably its operation manual is huge. Understandably you don't want to read the entire help file from start to end — it is recommended to read the overview chapter at minimum though. See the table of contents below for the basic organization in chapters and sections. Use the search function of your browser (usually pressing <CTRL+F> keys) to search for a keyword — ideally search for the exact menu command name you are interested in — or see the menu index in the appendix.

This HTML document has many internal cross references and links that jump to other parts of information, possibly far away from what you were reading. To come back where you were (before clicking on any anchor), use your browser's Back button or press <Alt+LeftArrow> keys.

At major section boundaries, you will find links to jump to the previous and next sections, and the table of   Contents  .

Each section begins with a quick overview of the subject at hand, followed by more in-depth information. Various popouts are sprinkled all over the place with extra information or warnings. Most sections include further reading articles and demo videos, which you recognize by these symbols:

information Extra information and tips for increased productivity

warning Warnings whenever an operation is potentially dangerous or confusing

advanced Advanced information for expert users, which may be ignored by most

video Links to demo videos, which may be more to your liking if you prefer video explanations to reading manuals

Instructions often refer to commands in the menu bar and are shown in bold print, including the menu "full path", the names of all main and submenus you need to open to access the command. Menu paths are separated by > symbols. E.g. File > New tab means you open File from the main menu and find New tab somewhere in it.

Some explanations include keyboard shortcuts you press to invoke a command, as an alternative to using the menu. Keyboard shortcuts are placed in angle brackets and can combine more than one keys, e.g. <CTRL+C> means you must press CTRL and C keys together.

Most of the information herein regards the professional xplorer² edition. A few advanced commands are only available in ultimate edition and are clearly marked as such with ultimate icon. Note that many features are missing from the free lite version. Such commands are marked with [P] in the lite version menu system

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Program interface
  Working with files | Dual panes | Moveable panes | Folder tree | Status information | Ribbon toolbar | Workflow | How to get help

Browsing the shell namespace
  Folder types | Folder bookmarks | Column mode | Namespace extensions | Deep path support | File properties | Folder views | Group mode | Folder view settings

Simple file management
  Rename | Recycle and delete | Advanced drag-drop | Previewing and launching items | Extract information | Changing properties

Industrial folder management
  Filtering visibility | Selection engine | Defining hyper-filters | Quick filter/selection box | Manage color tags | Color coding filetypes

Scrap containers
  Populating scrap panes | Managing collections | Mini scrap

Advanced file management
  Advanced copy/paste | Robust file transfer | Robust deletion | Mass renaming | Changing timestamps and attributes | Splitting and merging | File and folder comments (tags)

Examine and maintain your filesystem
  Comparing & synchronizing folders | Checking file transformations | Visualize disk space usage | Detecting duplicate files | Photo cleanup | Fuzzy groups | Convert groups to folders

Search for files and folders
  Windows Desktop Search

Automation of DOS (and windows) commands
  $-Tokens | Command output redirection | Automatic script generation | User commands | Optional command line arguments

User interface automation
  Macro commands | Programmable columns

User Interface customization
  Keyboard customization | Toolbar customization | xplorer² context menu | Program options | Window layouts

Installation and registration
  Ultimate edition | Program registration | Suspected bugs | Troubleshooting

  Keyboard shortcuts | Stock properties | editor² | Sample UI macros | All menu commands


  Contents   | Overview

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