■ xplorer² GUI translations
xplorer² ships with its user interface translated in various languages. You can select your language during the installation process. These translations are all done by volunteer xplorer² users. Here's a list of the people responsible for the translations:
Brazilian Portuguese: Paulo Neto
Chinese (simplified): 丁俊民
Chinese (traditional): Alan
Czech: Petr Laštovička
Dutch: Gideon van Melle
French: Thierry Delaunay
German: Hans Strondl
Greek: Panos Bozinis
Italian: Massimiliano Frigieri
Japanese: Jun
Polish: Tomek Błach
Serbian: Ivana Cicic
Spanish: Pablo Torralba Fernandez
Swedish: Peter Kind
Please help us maintain good quality translations of xplorer². If you spot some problem with your language DLL please let us know and we will try our best to correct it. Thank you!
Note that the program help files and support are at present only in english,
the translations are mainly the GUI (menus and dialogs) and a few extra items listed below.
■ Translation extras
Some translators have gone to extra lengths localizing parts of the documentation, the companion editor² etc. Since these extras differ for each language they are available as a separate download. Here's a list of what is currently available:
- Brazilian: tips & tricks (by Milton Chaves de Almeida)
- Bulgarian: bitesize help, tips & tricks, registry.txt, editor²
- Chinese (simplified): editor²
- Chinese (taiwan): editor² (by Alan)
- Czech: tips & tricks, registry.txt
- Dutch: editor²
- French: editor², registry.txt (help file & tips by Thierry Delaunay)
- German: editor²
- Greek: editor²
- Hungarian: tips & tricks
- Italian: editor², tips & tricks
- Polish: editor² and most of the documentation files
- Slovakian: registry.txt
- Spanish: editor²
- Swedish: editor², tips, registry.txt, licence.txt
These translation extras can be found in the downloads page →