Windows search only works with connected devices. Deskrule's catalog lets you find and preview your archived (in external offline storage) file collection while they are in some box in the shed or attic!
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Our digital lifestyle accumulates digital content that sooner or later is withdrawn in external storage. Photos and videos of the kids when they were babies, old downloaded movies, ancient office reports and presentations end up in external hard disks — Cloud storage isn't for huge or sensitive files.
Deskrule helps manage your old file collection (external/archived) building a catalog, a searchable index of the contents of your removable devices (USB drives, DVDs, thumbdrives etc). Once you catalog your media, you can find your documents quickly — while your devices are not attached to your PC. Deskrule will find your file and tell you which storage device you need to connect to open it. You can add a text and thumbnail preview to examine offline files before connecting them.
Here are the main points of the new catalog search feature: