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date 26.May.2024

■ xplorer² major upgrade version 6.0 — codename Narcissus

xplorer² is 20 years old this month, and decided to have a facelift to combat its mid-life crisis <g>. Nothing earth-shattering mind, just small touches here and there to make it look more business-like in suit and high heels. So what are the emperor's new clothes?

All dialogs get a smarter font more in line with the rest of your desktop, and a mini-help band with an (intentionally) pixelated icon and brief description about the works in each dialog. Click on More help? to see the help file in context for more details — so it's not just cosmetic but also useful to new xplorer² users.

Command status and error messages get more conspicuous in the shape of caption messages shown below xplorer² window — instead of the old statusbar messages that many people missed altogether. They go away automatically after a short while so you don't need to close them manually.

I maintain that xplorer² was the first tool to introduce bread-crumbs for paths ages ago, then everybody else aped the feature. Version 6 has path crumbs in the addressbar as well, like windows explorer does them, with clickable path parts, submenus and drop targets. It also accepts normal typing if you click on the little folder icon (or with <SHIFT+TAB>). The filter box becomes a separate toolbar.

All these stylistic changes including drivebar free space indicator bars, can be undone using Tools > Advanced options menu tick boxes (see Extra options section in global page), if you prefer the old traditional looks.

main UI additions   video
Click for video

There are many practical new features as well. For more details see the changelog and the updated documentation.

Some GUI translations weren't updated. If you are a national of a missing language's country and are interested in volunteering to complete the translation please let me know.

Upgrade information

Do you know that xplorer² never had a price rise for 20 years despite inflationary pressures? The only means of zabkat subsistence is these 3-year paid upgrade circles. Everyone will need to obtain a new unlock key for v6.0, but many people will get it for free or with a discount. All customers with a valid 5.x key can get the 30% discount.

The upgrade process is as painless as can be; you just try to purchase a new key then xplorer² should guide you in case you are entitled to a free or discounted upgrade. Here are a few possibilities:

The upgrade will be easier if you install v6.0 over your existing one (in the same folder), so xplorer² can recognize you have an older valid license file in there. Alternatively you can upgrade semi-automatically using this form — but you'd need to dig up that email with your full unlock key.


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